Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Virus and Germ Warfare

Oye has it been a rough couple of days! I woke up yesterday feeling okay... after a VERY rough night's sleep... didn't get anything more than a solid hour til about 6 a.m. It was tough. 1/2 way through my morning chocolate milk I realized I couldn't, and didn't want to, finish the milk. I struggled through 1/2 a grilled cheese and it all went downhill after that. I was uber uncomfortable and achey, stiff, and nauseous! Mind you, I had NO morning sickness, WHATSOEVER. I don't know how I got so lucky but i'm convinced the preggo gods got payback yesterday. Before hubs left to work he put me to bed... I was so burpy (even though I hardly ate anything) and didn't want to lay down because it was harder to burp... And my belly is so heavy, it didn't fair well sitting on my upset stomach... Ever feel nauseous with a 30 lb squirmy fish sitting on your stomach? Yeah... not fun.

After a while I decided the bed wasn't doing it for me and migrated back to the livingroom. Took a tylenol and took a bath. Thankfully I can only fit from my waist-down in the water because I woke up in the bath tub! Looks like it was about a 15 min nap.... I was so confused upon waking up! Hah. Thank god hippos can't drown... After that I felt pretty good and sat up on the couch rather than my comfy recline... and didn't move for a good few hours. Felt pretty okay and then it came back in waves of nausea, and then okay... and then nausea... boy it was TOUGH. Mama was not happy... though Lil Miss Lillybear was having a party down there. I am convinced she was making it worse...

The only productive thing I did all day was find us a family doctor that will be Lilly's pediatrician when she comes... I moved the whole family there.

Our alarm went off at 9 am for the new doc appt. I planned cause I felt so crappy. Sat up, decided I felt okay and cancelled. Had a piece of toast and an applesauce and managed to fall back asleep til noon which was great. Woke up and had a banana... still feel okay. Just the normal super discomfort of the back and heavy belly. But I will take that ANY day over wanting to puke my brains out!

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