Sunday, October 6, 2013


Little Miss Lilly Update! Lilly will be 7 months old in 3 days! She is growing up so fast. She is working on crawling forward, eating food, and being pretty :o) She hasn't said her first word yet but when fussing she's been saying "mamamamamma" which is just adorable. She loves kissing mommy and teasing daddy. She still fits into 3 month clothing but is well into her 6 month wardrobe. It is also fall and the best season ever! We have a lot of things to look forward to :o) This week we will see Grandma, go to Salem with Auntie Sammie, and other fun things. This weekend Hubs and I have the wedding of some of our besties! Also, a pumpkin festival, hanging out with Auntie Katie and other various fun stuff :o) Later this month a mama and bff from our birth group is visiting from Utah... we are SO EXCITED!!! Next month we are going to FL to visit/meet some family :oD Then it's the holiday season :o)))) Hubs will have his first holidays off, and we are beyond thrilled. Here are some wonderful pictures as of late :oD

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