Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hello Stranger!

I know, I know... it's been a while. A LONG while! Don't hate.


HELLO 3RD TRIMESTER! Holla! 29w3d today. Starting to feel slightly uncomfortable but it comes and goes... We are having a girl! I found out on my birthday. Her name is Lilly Michelle <3 And I love her to pieces. She has such a personality already it's funny. She went from kicks and jabs to rolls and movements... After a 9hr strike that landed us in L&D! I think she was taking a long nap due to a growth spurt... and after she was too big to wind up for a good punch! Still plenty of movement since then. I will post our first L&D story later. Now she stretches and pokes out of my belly in these hard lumps... causing me to sing "My lumps, my lumps, my lovely baby lumps - check it out!".

Yesterday was a tough day mood-wise. I was in such a bad mood! Looking to Auntie Hayley for help - she convinced me to meet her at the mall that is about 1/2 hr from my house. This is huge for me because 1. I went out by myself! 2. I DROVE AT NIGHT (which I avoid at all costs now), 3. It was spontaneous plans! Big steps for this mama! Anyways we had a blast. I was able to use my gift cards and coupons to get Lillybear's first piece of bedding (since the rest of it is STILL BACKORDERED ARG!). Here it is!

We chose the Brooklyn bedding from Pottery Barn Kids. LOVE IT! More Nursery pics to come....

Anyway! We had fun walking around and we got treats! Auntie Hayley got a cupcake (duh) and I got cheesecake! One to eat and one to take home :o)

Lemon Raspberry and Chocolate Rasberry Truffle! Mmm. I still have some of both left :o)

Then I came home and relaxed for the night. Hubs went out for his usual Monday night and I watched Easy A in bed. Such a good movie! Passed out, hubs came home, and we went to sleep. All is well :o)

- The Nursery
- The "Termination"
- Our first trip to L&D
- Bootie Business
- Lilly's Swag
- The PBK fiasco

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